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Alexis McGlynn studied art history and sociology at Tyler School of Art and Temple University. She began her professional career as a curatorial assistant at a contemporary art museum. Her work involved interacting with various forms of artistic media. As a result, she later realized the powerful effect that media can have on emotions. This may have planted the seed that inspired her to later create Tell Me Something Good.

She also held several positions related to children’s literacy, including being the Coordinator of BookPALS and being an education advocate at Friends of Choice in Urban Schools (FOCUS). This work affirmed the importance of the written word and how critical it can be communicating the human experience.

Most recently, Alexis has worked in the field of wellness. She is a yoga instructor, wellness coach and also a mindfulness mentor. Using her skills in these areas, she co-developed and taught the Wise and Well program, which brought the principles of yoga and mindfulness to students ranging from elementary school to doctoral candidates. Among the many insights she gained from this work, she learned that gratitude and noticing what is going right in life can produce an uptick in a person’s happiness.


Alexis continues to explore the power we all have to improve our lives—no matter the time, place or circumstance—using our own bodies and minds. She is passionate about helping people be the best versions of themselves. To this end, she is currently studying to be a hypnotherapist and learning about how the power of positive suggestion can produce amazing results.

Alexis also has a life long love of photography, which she uses to share moments that feel good. Connecting to others through images has always been important to her. So it is no surprise, that Alexis is often behind a camera snapping photos of her beloved family, dogs, and NATURE! She finds inspiration all around her in the everyday moments, and loves to share the good stuff she sees through her photos!

She, and her husband Scott, are the parents of three wonderful children and two doggies. Family comes first! They love spending time together outdoors or adventuring in the city. New experiences and a love of learning are at their core.

It is easy to see how all the work Alexis has been involved in adds up to the creation of her latest brain child, Tell Me Something Good—which calls on us collectively to use and share media to raise our vibration and help elevate humanity!


“Optimism is the fuel of heroes, the enemy of despair, and the architect of the future.”

– Max Moore

Happiness is inherently bound to having strong social connections to people and contributing to something bigger than yourself.  Making a difference in the greater good of humanity creates a sense of fulfillment. Tell Me Something Good is all about sharing experiences from our daily lives to create positive emotions.

Let's Talk
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